Back in 2000, Ben and his brother discovered what appeared to be an extraordinary tomb not far from the village of Rennes-Le-Chateau. As many of you know, he posted images that he’d captured at the time on his website, but few took him, or his find, seriously.

In 2006, as part of his investigations for Bloodline, Bruce met up with Ben to learn more about his find. By using what he said were a series of encoded messages in the décor of the church at RLC, Ben had discovered a series of bottles containing handwritten, signed, “confessions” of the priest Sauniere.

The contents, if they were true, were stunning.
"I have done what I have done to preserve the secret. Maybe in the future the time will come for the secret to be revealed because it is too great a secret to be kept for all eternity."
"I abandon and renounce my religion I now know to be false…Jesus did not die on the Crucifix but 22 days later. Mary Magdalene removed his body from his tomb. The Disciples and the People were fooled about his Resurrection."
"His body has been hidden three times…For many centuries this great lie has been concealed."
The signatures, at least, on the clues are similar to those on letters from the priest’s own archives, supplied by Antoine Captier.

Each clue led Ben to another. The final one led to a cave near Rennes-le-Chateau, which has come to be known in recent times as ‘the Cave of the Magdalene’.
Bruce joined Ben for the hike to the cave, and it was there they discovered the the small pottery cup, an anointing jar, the glass vial containing the rolled parchment and a collection of ancient coins.

Those of you who have followed the news on our site will know by now that after analysis, by both the British Museum in London and Dr Gabi Barkay in Jerusalem, those contents were proved to be genuine 1st Century relics, most likely brought from Jerusalem to France.

The question Bruce faced was whether these relics had been found originally in the tomb of Mary Magdalene, and if so, was that a very strong indication she is buried in the area as the legends suggest ?
The small piece of parchment rolled up inside the glass vial was dated to circa 1430 by the radio carbon lab at Oxford University. On it were the words Regalis Crypta or Royal Tombs and the letters MM.

Among the written confessions on one of the clues was this…
"I have dug the earth to make a passage to the mountain tomb….I found there beautiful things…a treasure and a corpse…the sacred letters, the sacred history and the sacred objects of the Jews…because it had been buried for so long the shroud was all in tatters exposing me to a great secret…”
Had the priest found the tomb of Mary Magdalene? And was this what Ben had discovered back in 2000?

Inside there was what appeared to be a shrouded corpse, bearing the distinctive red cross of the Knights Templar.
There were also a number of wooden chests and other artifacts scattered on the ground.
It appeared as if someone had started to loot this tomb.
It was clearly time to re-examine Ben’s tomb, and in early 2007 Ben took Bruce to the tomb site.
The only access to it was a deep, winding narrow air shaft. Using fibre optic cables and a remote camera, Ben unsealed the tomb shaft and lowered the equipment down into the tomb.
It was soon clear from the images on the monitor that there had been a heavy rock fall inside the tomb sometime since Ben's last filming visit. Much of the floor was now covered in debris, but the shrouded corpse was still there.

As the remote camera moved around the tomb it revealed open chests with gold cups, coins and jewels…..

A badly rotted book, or Codex….

The shrouded body.

Bruce had this to say: “It's really too early to say whose body is under the shroud. Wild speculation serves no purpose, and as recent finds in Jerusalem have proved, I think it can be damaging. We need to take this really slow, proceed very carefully, do the tests, analysis and then see what’s what. One thing is for certain though, this is a real corpse, in a real tomb, surrounded by real treasure. Whoever it is, this could be a very important historical find. That is why plans are underway to approach the French authorities for a full scale excavation of the site.”
We will update you with more news in due time. Thanks again for your interest, and thanks especially for all the supportive emails that continue to come in.
Rene Barnett