And if that is a woman, maybe even Mary Magdalene, holding a child, then Leonardo was very clearly encapsulating the Bloodline idea into The Last Supper.

Da Vinci’s The Last Supper

The Last Supper Reversed

Last Supper with Mirror Image Overlayed
In the coming weeks, we will be releasing more information, images and footage from Bloodline, so keep an eye on this site.
As we’ve previously revealed, the buried chest that Ben found contained ancient relics dating back to 1st Century Jerusalem.
As interesting as the contents are, although we haven’t spoken about it publicly before right now, the chest itself excited us on first sight because of an interesting emblem, faded, but still clearly visible on the top of the lid.

Those of you familiar with the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery will immediately recognize this image.
Analysis of the chest by Royal cabinet makers Beckwith & Son in England, dated the chest to as early as 1800 and notes that it gave the appearance of having been kept underground.

Bruce and I had the recent pleasure of doing a couple of radio interviews which are live on the internet right now—the first was with the esteemed panel of Rennes-le-Chateau researchers, Andrew Gough, Philip Coppens and Corjan de Raaf at, and the second was with RLC author William Henry and can be heard at If you have a moment, stop by those great sites where you’ll not only find our interviews, but lots of great information on this mystery!
Thanks, as always, for your continued interest.
René Barnett, Producer